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Westfield Primary


In school children are provided with a wide range of exciting experiences which support the development of their skills, knowledge and understanding through our carefully considered curriculum.

Our pupils have many opportunities to make links, revisit, practise and apply their knowledge and skills.

On a weekly basis learning at home is set to complement their learning. Learning should be enjoyable, engaging and should reflect real-life contexts and personal interests if possible. We also recognise the need for them to have quiet time at home to process their day’s learning.

Through homework set we aim to give opportunities for pre-learning to link the knowledge and skills they have been working on in school. Our homework offer is therefore as follows.

All children are expected to read at home throughout the week. Please sign the organiser when you have heard your child read. This should be at least 3 times a week but a regular pattern of reading at home is a great way to share and enjoy books and some quiet time together each day. We hope that parents will encourage our pupils to read as many different kinds of appropriate texts as possible.

For children in Reception

A summary of the weeks school-based learning is provided to parents with simple ideas on how learning can be supported in play-based ways at home, covering multiple curriculum areas. Parents will be given a selection of ideas to dip in and out of according to time and children’s interests.

For children in years 1-6

Weekly tasks in maths and English will be sent home related to the week’s school-based learning and/or class topic. In addition, children will be given weekly spellings to learn at home and information on phonics learning will be shared with parents to encourage practice at home. The amount given will increase between the year groups in the school. Homework in Key Stage 1 will be set where appropriate to enhance their learning in school. From KS2 pupils will be set homework on a regular basis in support of the curriculum. Homework tasks may include writing, reading, learning spellings, learning timetables, research, word processing projects, watching certain TV programmes, using computer programs (at school or at home if possible), interviewing adults, etc. The list of different tasks is endless. Pupils can complete homework in the library after school.

Homework will be reviewed by school staff weekly, with effort recognised and celebrated in class.  

Parents and carers are encouraged to support the independent completion of home learning tasks and ideally offer support and guidance as needed.  

Home learning

In addition to set homework tasks the following home learning activities are recommended as they strongly support children’s development, learning and academic success:

The importance of reading and shared story times – we encourage all our pupils to read and share books daily and we send home books on a regular basis to encourage shared reading experiences. All readers are encouraged to read for short periods daily, with the support of an adult. This for our younger learners promotes their phonics application, decoding skills, inference and comprehension. Targeted books linked to the child’s reading ability, will be sent home weekly. We encourage all parents and carers to set aside time to support this independent reading by asking key questions to help develop their understanding, by prompting the skills they have learnt to help them to manage unfamiliar words e.g. reminders to use their phonics to sound out unknown words.

Reading for pleasure and sharing book and stories with adults or older sibling is also really important. Having this time to relax and read and share a book is also a very important part of developing reading as well as enjoying time together. We are happy to help by loaning books for shared reading. Staff are happy to advise parents regarding reading development throughout the school year.

The importance of play - children learn through play. Play provides them invaluable opportunities to explore and practice their developing skills as well as their knowledge and understanding of the world and their environment in a safe way. Opportunities for play experiences that allow for creativity, imagination, interaction, talk and exploration of the wider world are key to children’s development. Staff are happy to advise parents and carers on ideas for quality play at home, through the school year. 

The importance of talk – research shows a direct connection between children’s vocabulary and their educational ability. It is therefore really important to provide children with as many varied opportunities to talk to  adults as well as their peers whenever possible. Opportunities support children’s understanding, their ability to express themselves as well as developing their ability to interact and explain. Meal times are a great opportunity for quality talk to ask your child lots of open questions that develop their thinking and gives opportunities to describe and explain their ideas.