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Westfield Primary

Term Dates

These are our current dates, please keep checking for further updates and information.

2023-2024 Term Dates

Autumn Term 2023-24
1st September 2023 Training day Staff return to school
4th September First day of term Children return to school
23rd - 27th October Half term
30th October Training day Staff return to school
31st October First day of term Children return to school
19th December End of term
Spring Term
3rd January 2024 Training day Staff return to school
4th January First day of term Children return to school
19th - 23rd February Half term
26th February First day of term Staff and children return to school
28th March End of term
Summer Term
15th April Training day Staff return to school
16th April First day of term Children return to school
6th May May Day
27th May - 31st May Half term
3rd June First day of term Staff and children return to school
19th July

End of academic year

  Term Dates 2024-2025